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A free platform to discover and practice with place-based data for health equity, connecting the Social Determinants of Health to communities, researchers, policymakers, & health practitioners.

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Social Determinants of Health
Greenspaces icon

Greenspaces may combat urban heat island effects, purify air, offer recreation, and improve mental health by reducing stress and anxiety.

Education icon

Improved access to education can help in reducing health disparities by increasing job opportunities and income.

Workplace icon

At work, exposure to toxins and exploitation detrimentally impacts health, especially among vulnerable groups.

Medical icon

Affordable and equitable healthcare access is essential for the well-being of communities.

Housing icon

Expensive housing, limited healthy food access, and neighborhood insecurity harm individuals' physical and mental health.

Etc. icon

News & Updates
Finding Healthy Food in Connecticut image

Next up in the Fellow Showcase Series: The Windham Connecticut, Food Access Map created by Peter Chen.

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Mapping Montgomery image

We begin our Fellow Showcase series with the Montgomery, Alabama Asset Map created by one of our Fellows: Amy Kryston.

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Symposium Program image

As we near the SDOH & Place Symposium, here is the lineup of presentations for the two-day event!

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Brought to you by
Healthy Regions & Policies Lab
University of Illinois
National Center for Supercomputing Applications
Siebel Center for Design
Access Data & Resources
Data Discovery Enlarged icon
Data Discovery — coming soon!
Our data discovery platform provides access to spatially indexed and curated databases, specifically designed for conducting health equity research.
Data Practice Enlarged icon
Community Toolkit
Enhance your health and equity initiatives with our toolkit. You will be able to create captivating spatial visualizations for community engagement using free and user-friendly tools including open-source GIS tools.
The SDOH & Place graphic
The SDOH & Place Project logo
The SDOH & Place Project's mission is to unravel the application design process essential for developing web applications centered on neighborhood health.
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